Aero Leather Zipped sleeve Highway Man Leather Jacket

Aero Leather Zipped sleeve Highway Man Leather Jacket
The original and legendary Aero Leather "Highwayman" leather motorcycle jacket. Often copied but never equalled.
Made using the very best of materials which sets an Aero Highwayman apart from its clones. Since 1986, when Aero leather first acquired the old style chrome tanned heavy American Chromexcel front quarter horsehide, they have strived to honour the styling and techniques of US manufacturers from the mid- 1900's.
The US tannery aero work with has produced this leather using same tried and tested methods for over 100 years, hence the use of this horsehide as first choice for Aero, every time!
One thing that sets this motorcycle jacket apart and something we are loving at Bolt London is the Black Chromexcel Heavy Front Quarter Horsehide, a leather not available from any other leather jacket manufacturer: Black and Lined in heavy duty Cotton Drill. The two deep hand-warmer pockets are lined in heavy cotton for durability, as is the zip breast pocket, which completes the classic look. The back features two -panel back sections: a shallow "V" shaped yolk being the only design feature on the back.
The strap and buckle side adjusters ensure a snug fit at the waist. As with most Aero Leather jackets they use a genuine Talon centre zipper. The sleeves are finished off with a traditional American style cuff. The overall effect of this hybrid jacket has proved popular with both sexes due to its easy on the eye and non pretentious styling.
Sizes 44” and 46’” that we have in stock are from their blue label production and priced slightly cheaper. This takes a more traditional approach which uses more of the hide and may show some of features of the leather - creasing, marks and so forth.