The Lake Run

The Lake Run
August 21/22nd 2021
We’ve all had a hell of a time with things recently and a lot of time for reflection during the lock downs. As we went into the first lock down I was thinking right, in three months time when this is all over we will emerge again and throw a massive party, yeah well that didn't go quite to plan.
We were determined to not let the rules and regulations bring everything to a stand still, and we did what we could when we could. Our monthly Hang Out events allowed us to bring people together whilst abiding by the legislations for everyone’s safety. These were a lot of fun, and importantly gave everyone the opportunity to come together when it was most needed. Now that freedom is on the near horizon, with July the 19th looking promising we are going at it full chat, organising the party we have always dreamt of. Well known for organising parties and events at the shop we’ve wanted to go beyond this and have our own annual event, something unique and representative of what we do. We’ve organised music stages at festivals and other motorcycle events but they’ve never really captured the vibe of what we’re about, and as always if you want to do something well, do it yourself.
I’ve always been inspired by the fabled Bass lake Run, a ride out organised by the Hells Angels in 1965. Choosing a scenic destination for their Annual run, they rode out en masse to a small resort town in the sunshine state of California. The party raged on for days and left behind a legacy of stories and tall tails. Most famously the event was documented in Hunter S Thompson’s book, the Hells Angels. What appealed to me; was its simplicity, it was all about solidarity and community, and escaping the humdrum.
The Lake Run is our homage to this party and our celebration for coming through the past year. More then anything it’s about bringing together all our friends to reveal in our newly found freedom. We want to return to those times when things felt effortless and free, when people put community ahead of commerce, authenticity before corporate sponsorship.
“Rock n Roll isn’t a music genre; it's a communal spirit”
For this reason the Lake Run will be entirely communal and commerce free – it’s about going back to something that has long been lost, clearing away the clutter and focusing on the things that really resonate, simply put - Good People and Good times.
We want everyone to take ownership of things, whether it’s leading a ride out, pouring a shot, manning a bbq or simply looking out for one another. Let us know what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing and we’ll find something for you to do. In this way everyone will become an integral part of things and we will let things grow organically, shaped by all not led by a few.
Also we don't want anything to be sold on site; rather everyone is free to help them-selves to what they want when they want. Ambitious I know, but we do this a lot at the shop and its proven to work so I believe we can do it on a bigger scale. Everyone will put £50 into the pot and this will go towards covering the event expenses, food, bbqs, coffee and as much drink as we buy.
To recreate the essence of the original event we needed to find a Lake, it wasn’t easy as everyone has gone camping crazy this year, and just as I was starting to loose hope we found the perfect venue. Shelpham lake is simply stunning, and its all ours for the weekend. Surrounded by fields of wild flowers for camping, and a circle of trees in the middle that will be home to the main stage. A short ride from London, far enough so you feel like you have escaped the city but not so far that the ride back after a heavy night became a daunting proposition. We’ll be organising ride outs on the Saturday morning leaving from Bolt suitable for all types of motorcycles and scooters, from novice riders to the more experienced. The ride in will set the tone for the rest of the weekend, and as you pull off the road, down the trails to the lake the excitement will grow.
I’m a big believer in less is more, and in this case that means stripping away all the typical festival clutter to leave just the bare bones. With such a beautiful setting it seems a shame to confine things to marquees when you can want to dance under the stars! The main hub of things will be set in a circle of trees lined with canopies to provide shelter from the rain without enclosing things completely. This will be the only structure onsite and the focal point for the evening’s entertainment. We have some great bands, djs and some very special guests lined up to perform and keep everyone dancing into the night. On the Sunday we will wake to breakfast and coffee served from an old horsebox. Since we’re but a few miles from the sea, we will set off for a ride along the coastal roads taking in the great roads that run past Beachy Head before heading back home.
We are keeping things low key for our first event and are limiting numbers to 200 people, invite only. The first round of invitations will be sent to those friends we have made over the eight years. A second round of invitations will go to those who may be new to Bolt but who feel the event is their kind of thing. If you would like to be included please email and include the word Guest in the heading.
We will be making this an annual event and looking to slowly grow things organically. How it evolves, will depend on what people bring to the party, after all this is a collaboration of all involved. This event will book up very fast so we are asking those that have received an invite to book by July 7th, with the second round of invites going out after the 8th of July. Places will be offered on a first come first serve basis, and once our capacity is reached that will be it.
Hope to see you all there for what will be the party of the summer!